Six Tips to Help your Family Campout

This is a guest post by Stephanie Trementozzi at Always Outdoors. If you would like to guest post on CampingBlogger, please see the guidelines here.

Winter is almost two thirds over and now is a good time to start thinking about camping and hiking again. Family camping is a great activity for strengthening family bonds and for creating memories that will entertain family members for a lifetime. Continue reading

Making Family Camping Photos Better

Fixing a washed-out sky in Photoshop Elements

I am pretty cheap when it comes to photographing our family camping excursions. My Cannon point-and-shoot is a decent camera, but when it comes to shooting in low light conditions, or my biggest challenge – shooting good landscapes, the limitations of this kind of camera are clearly evident in the marginal pictures it produces (not me, of course – the camera!). Continue reading

How to Prepare for Hiking the Appalachian Trial

If are in the mood for some humor, this hilarious video by Zack at The Good Badger is guaranteed to scratch that itch 🙂

As long as I’ve signed myself up for this bout of insanity, I’m going to take the steps necessary to make sure that I’m a highly tuned hiking/camping machine before I ever step foot onto the Appalachian Trail.

Yosemite Day Trip

With cabin fever setting in we decided on a day trip to Yosemite

The holidays are over, the weather has been kind of crummy and cabin fever has reared its ugly head, here in the Scribner household. We had been promising the kids a trip to the snow for some time, so this weekend seemed like the perfect opportunity for a daytrip to Yosemite, which would allow the kids to get their snow on, and us parents to take-in the winter spectacle that is Yosemite. Continue reading

Interesting Look Into the National Parks of China

The Travel section of the LA Times has an interesting article on the fledgling national parks of China and talks about how the culture is not yet embracing the outdoor experience.

“For now,” she said, “Chinese tourists don’t travel like you, carrying a backpack into the mountains and going camping. A very small group of Chinese people are doing that, but most of them are just getting on buses and going to overlooks.”

I suppose that in many ways, the popularity of outdoor activities like backpacking and camping is a measure of a society’s wealth, since wealth leads to an increased amount of leisure time.

Quick Takes

Jedediah Smith on His Inspiration


Jedediah Smith was a hunter, trapper, fur trader, trailblazer, author, cartographer, and explorer of the Rocky Mountains, the American West Coast and the Southwest during the 19th century.

“I wanted to be the first to view a country on which the eyes of a white man had never gazed and to follow the course of rivers that run through a new land.”

Yosemite deaths: Americans may have lost respect for nature’s risks


Just three weeks after death laid a heavy hand on the Merced River, sweeping three tourists to their deaths over Vernal Fall, life went on for a new crop of visitors

YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK – On Wednesday, children waded in a small eddy just 50 yards from the edge. Some playfully teetered on a log that separated the eddy from the river’s torrent. Upstream, a man swam across Emerald Pool and back, crossing the Merced River current and ignoring warnings and prohibitions posted nearby. This just three weeks after three people were swept over Vernal Fall, to their deaths.
Fresno Bee

Yellowstone Park publishes trail guide for visitors who use wheelchairs


the newly improved Accessibility in Yellowstone: A Guide for Visitors who use Wheelchairs breaks the park down into eight zones that include attractions in the Mammoth, Norris, Madison and Old Faithful areas, among others.

Produced by Yellowstone’s interpretation division, the newly improved Accessibility in Yellowstone: A Guide for Visitors who use Wheelchairs breaks the park down into eight zones that include attractions in the Mammoth, Norris, Madison and Old Faithful areas, among others. “Accessibility in the park is a top priority in terms of visitor experience and the design of our facilities,” said Dan Hottle, a park spokesman.
Yellowstone National Park