Cool Camping Gadgets from CES

With a hat tip to Rohit Bhargava at the Influential Marketing Blog, comes this cool multipurpose radio that is used by the American Red Cross. If it’s useful enough for the American Red Cross to handout during emergencies then it’s … Continue reading

Outdoor Links for January 9th

Trying to decide where to go for that perfect family camping vacation this summer? Tony Farley can help you out, with his comprehensive selection of high-definition streaming videos covering places like Crater Lake National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Arches National … Continue reading

A Good and Affordable Family Tent

Jason Bean, from =) Bnpositive’s Blog, asked me the other day what my recommendation was for “a quality, yet affordable family tent for 4 people.” This was on Twitter, where brevity is key (Twitter limits posts to a maximum length … Continue reading