Beat the Winter Camping Blues with a Day Trip

Goat Meadow Snow Play Area is located on the southern border of Yosemite National Park, 1 mile off of Highway 41. The 1 mile road is not plowed, so chains or 4-wheel drive is required.

Goat Meadow Snow Play Area is located on the southern border of Yosemite National Park, 1 mile off of Highway 41. The 1 mile road is not plowed, so chains or 4-wheel drive is required.

It doesn’t matter whether you are in snowy New Hampshire or rainy California, winter weather can put a serious crimp in your outdoor family activities. Having never lived in the northern climates, I’ve always had romantic notions of how much better snow must be, than the (relatively) cold and rainy locations that I’ve spent my life in. There’s not much that you can do in the rain, except wait for it to stop and, even then, most outdoor activities are still a messy affair.

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Outdoor Links for December 19th

Husky Hiker - A journey of weight loss through the woods...

Husky Hiker - A journey of weight loss through the woods...

Jim Bradley at Husky Hiker has an interesting post about a process called Ion Mask which is used to waterproof all kinds of different products, from outdoor wear to electronics. Also be sure to check out Jim’s seven-part series on geocaching. If you ever wondered what the sport of geocaching was all about, this will explain everything. - cooking, camping, cars and cinema - cooking, camping, cars and cinema

I was going to post a list of “last minute stocking-stuffers for campers” today, but when I saw Dan’s post about some new gear he picked-up on Amazon, I thought why reinvent the wheel? He’s got a great list of last-minute gift ideas, including Les Stroud’s book, “Survive!,” Jack Bauer’s (heh) Brunton pocket scope and, one of those great gifts that every outdoor person can use – a beanie!

Twilight Earth - Environmental Issues, Green World Wide News and Shared Discussion

Twilight Earth - Environmental Issues, Green World Wide News and Shared Discussion

Adam Shake posted about the plight of Gray Wolves in Michigan. On the comeback from near extinction, the wolves are being illegally hunted in order to protect whitetail deer and local livestock. The environmental news wasn’t all bad this week, though. Adam also posted about 1,000 new species discovered in the Greater Mekong and there are some great pictures in his post.

See also…

Targeting Kids with Nature Programs Misses the Mark

Getting kids back into the woods means getting parents back, first

Getting kids back into the woods means getting parents back, first

There has been a great amount of coverage during the past two weeks about figures released by the US Forest Service showing visits to the nation’s national forests is off 13% over the past five years. When combined with the recent news that our children are becoming more sedentary and spending less time outdoors, it paints a rather bleak future for us as a people, and for our willingness to place value on the environment.

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Cloudveil is looking for a few good Bloggers

Cloudveil is searching for 25 men and women who personify the company's inspired lifestyle

Cloudveil is searching for 25 men and women who personify the company's inspired lifestyle

Adventure apparel maker Cloudveil is looking for 25 men and women who exemplify the company’s outdoor-inspired lifestyle to write for its Blog, The Mountain Culture. Cloudveil is not limiting its search to 17-year old half-pipe pro’s, either. The application process is open to anyone: athletes, outdoor adventurers, musicians, artists, environmental advocates, and anyone who can inspire others to venture outside and challenge their personal limits.

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Assemble a First Aid Kit for Family Camping

Taking a few, basic, first aid items with you when you venture into the backcountry is an important consideration that is often overlooked until the first time an item is actually needed. You don’t have to run out and buy a first aid kit, though, because if you have kids then you surely have most of this stuff in your house, already.

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