Camping: Recharge Electronic Gadgets

recharge-camping-gadgets1From mobile phones to GPS receivers and mp3 players, electronic gadgets entertain us and keep us safe when we hit the backcountry. The problem, of course, is that the backcountry doesn’t come with power strips, and electronic gadgets can quickly become paperweights if we don’t figure out some way to recharge their batteries. For all electronic devices, there are basically four options:

  1. Replace the discharged battery with a fresh one
  2. Use an external battery pack to recharge the battery
  3. Use solar power to recharge the battery
  4. Use wind power to recharge the battery

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Camping Gear to Round-Out Your Kit

Bag chairs are inexpensive and much more confortable than the cold, hard ground

Bag chairs are inexpensive and much more confortable than the cold, hard ground

I have previously discussed (see Renting Gear makes Sense for New Campers) how prospective new camping families can save money by renting gear, or buying used gear. In addition to the lower initial cash outlay, a big advantage to renting is that your family gets to find out what kind of gear you like, without getting stuck with something that doesn’t work for you. Whichever route you decide to take, there are a few items to round-out your camping kit that you should consider buying new.

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Outdoor Links for February 18th

Next week one lucky reader will win this Olympus Stylus 1050 SW digital camera

Next week one lucky reader will win this Olympus Stylus 1050 SW digital camera

I just wanted to catch-up on some tidbits from around the Internet that have been happening this month. First, I’m sending one of you a brand new camera next week! If you are a new CampingBlogger reader, I give away something to one of the email subscribers every few months. In December, it was a Garmin eTrex Summit HC GPS receiver and this month it’s an Olympus Stylus 1050 SW digital camera. I’m already starting to brainstorm for the next giveaway, so let me know if you have any ideas.

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Camping Gear for Babies

No, I’m not talking about portable heaters and satellite TV, this is gear designed for actual babies – the kind that crawl around on the ground and eat dirt. Camping gear for babies and toddlers has come a long way in the past five years. Here are some baby products that can make your next family camping adventure a more relaxing and enjoyable experience.

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10 Outside-the-Box Camping Stoves

Are you tired of being seen at the campsite cooking on a standard camping stove, just like everybody else? I feel your pain, so I scoured the globe in search of something a bit out of the ordinary that is sure to make your camping kitchen the center of attention on your next family camping vacation.

Cadac Safari Chef

Cadac Safari Chef

These ten camping stoves cover all the bases when it comes to fuel sources, from conventional propane and charcoal, to the more esoteric hardwood cubes and even your own campfire. Most of these camping stoves are small enough to sit on top of the picnic table, but the two largest models might require an extra campsite just for your kitchen! You can be assured, though, that with the possible exception of the Cobb Portable Grill, which does enjoy a bit of a cult following, you won’t have to worry about some other camper stealing our thunder when it comes to camp kitchen style.

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