CampingBlogger Spring Giveaway

I‘ve been brainstorming on our next contest and I decided to something a little different this time and give away something each week in April! That’s right, instead of just one prize at the end of the month, CampingBlogger is celebrating springtime by giving away dutch ovens and multitools to email subscribers throughout the month of April.

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Camping Gear: Spring Maintenance

Games? Now is also a good time to round-up the camping essentials which may have been serving other purposes over the winter

Games? Now is also a good time to round-up the camping essentials which may have been serving other purposes over the winter

The days are getting longer and the temperatures are getting warmer. Spring is just around the corner and that means it’s time to dust off all the camping gear that’s been collecting dust in the garage all winter. The time to checkout your gear is not the first time you try to use it, this year.

Fortunately, checking out all the gear can easily be done over a weekend and you can actually have some fun with it. If your kids are old enough, they can have their own little campout in the backyard and, if they’re not, you can join them and make it a family affair.

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Wonderwash Washing Machine

Wonderwash, from The Laundry Alternative, Inc. is a self-contained washing machine

Wonderwash, from The Laundry Alternative, Inc. is a self-contained washing machine

We take two big trips up to the Northwest each year and one of the problems we run into is laundry. Camping is one thing, but when you combine that with visiting family and friends, well, sometimes you’d rather not look and smell like you’ve been camping in the mountains for a week!

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CampingBlogger: 5 Months and 100 Posts Later

firworks-oregon-gardenOn October 15th, 2008 I flipped the switch on CampingBlogger, launching a project that would quickly become my passion and calling, not to mention just a lot of fun. Don’t let anybody fool you, blogging isn’t easy and professional blogging isn’t a hobby. Promoting family camping and outdoor recreation is a fulltime job and it’s one that I take very seriously.

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10 Tips to Better Outdoor Cooking

Make sure to start foods with longer cooking times, like these potatoes, first

Make sure to start foods with longer cooking times, like these potatoes, first

Whether you and the family are spending a weekend at the beach or a week in the mountains, the meals that you prepare can make or break your trip. Camping is all about rest, relaxation, and spending time with your family. It’s not about slaving over a campfire and spending a lot of time preparing meals. Here are 10 tips to keep your meal prep and cleanup to a minimum, while still ensuring that your tasty delights will be the hit of the trip.

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