Last year I scoured the Internet in search of the top five useless camping products. Having just received a summer catalog from one of the big outdoor gear chains, I thought it would be a good time to pick five new items that don’t quite make the cut, when it comes to outdoor utility.
Reduce your Camping Impact on the Environment
You don’t have to be an environmentalist or even that interested in green issues, to realize the importance of limiting your impact on the environment in the backcountry and preserving what we have left, for future generations to enjoy.
Camelbak Goes Stainless Steel
Hydration pack and sports bottle manufacturer Camelbak® has introduced a line of stainless steel bottles, including a double-wall insulated version. The company continues to offer its Tritan™ bottles.
How to Find Topo Maps

Maps are a great backcountry tool
If you like to venture out from your campsite and explore the surrounding area, a topo map is an indispensible tool for finding interesting things like waterfalls and mountain ponds. Best of all, topo maps are inexpensive or even free, if you are satisfied printing small sections on your home printer.
Now You’re Cooking With(out) Gas
If you did a lot of camping as a kid, like I did, then you probably are very familiar with the Esbit® solid fuel tablet (hexamine tablets) stove. Esbit stoves were cheap, simple to use, and did a fair job of heating a canteen cup of hot chocolate, or soup.