5 Useless Camping Products from Outside Magazine

I subscribe to Outside Magazine and I look forward to reading it every month, but an article in the June issue purporting to offer the “coolest summer swag” left me wondering if somebody had slipped me a GQ, by mistake. Granted, the Outside editors include some unquestionable hits, Like the BOB® Revolution stroller and the awesome Powers Verticalâ„¢ pants, from Columbia Sportswear®, but the rest of the stuff is mostly overpriced elitist junk that you’re just as likely to find in a men’s fashion magazine. Here are five of my favorite “essentials” from the article:

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The Camping Gear List

If you are planning to take the family camping this summer, the first decision you will have to make is what to bring with you. Just Googleâ„¢ camping list and you will get in excess of 50 million different opinions on exactly what it is that you should be taking and, while most of this advice is probably okay, a lot of it (even at some big-name outdoor companies) is written by freelance writers who may, or may not, have any actual camping or backpacking experience.

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Family Camping: Test the waters in your own backyard

backyard-camping-funIf you are planning your first family camping trip this summer, there is no better way to test your gear (and your family) by having a camp night right in your own backyard. Backyard camping is a low-risk way to get the kids used to sleeping bags and no TV, while still being secure in the fact that a surprise spring shower won’t ruin your weekend.

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