Plan your Labor Day family camping weekend now

apache-national-forestLabor Day is only four weeks away, but even if you have not yet made reservations for one of the most popular camping weekends of the year, there are still plenty of great campsites available all over the country. Here are ten great places I found this weekend that still have numerous open campsites available for Labor Day Weekend.

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Car too small for family camping? Try a Tow-N-Stow

tow-n-stow-trailerLet’s face it, not everybody has a pickup truck or a monster SUV to carry the tent, sleeping bags, camp stove, firewood, and all of the other associated gear and gadgets that help make a weekend family camping adventure fun and enjoyable. There is a new utility trailer / bicycle-canoe-kayak rack /storage shed, called the Tow-N-Stow™, which just might be your ticket to family camping without giving up the economy car.

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The Mother of all Ice Chests

Photo by mali mish on Flickr

Photo by mali mish on Flickr

A friend of mine took his family camping a few weeks ago and he told me that he’s totally fed up with trying to keep things cold for a week using only a cooler and ice and asked me what I thought about the 12-Volt refrigerators that are on the market. Honestly, I haven’t heard too many positive things about these, not to mention that then you have to deal with batteries and chargers and all of that associated overhead.

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Camping Meal menu from Bon Appétit

Foil packets on the campfire (photo by TheRogue)

Foil packets on the campfire (photo by TheRogue)

Barrett Baffert, the Web Editor over at Bon Appétit, gave me a heads-up on an article they are running by master chef Maria Helm Sinskey on a “Campfire Menu for 4” that is definitely worth your time to investigate.  I know that on our family camping trips, we tend to focus on hamburgers, hotdogs and fajitas, so it’s refreshing to see what can be done with healthy alternatives like chicken. I’m definitely going to try the Grilled Cheese and Tomato Stacks, which look like a great meal for hot weather camping.

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