2010 Ice Chest Survey

The ice chest is one of the core pieces of camping gear, at least if you are car camping, and they are really useful for other family functions, too, which makes them a good buy even if you don’t camp a lot. Ice chest are also really durable. Ours has weathered over ten years of camping, birthday parties, family cookouts and picnics, along with three moves.

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Great Family Camping Experiences

Many of us grew up camping with our families and have some great childhood memories of what camping is all about. Family camping is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, as boomers castoff the excesses of the past twenty years and look towards simpler and more fulfilling family summer vacations.

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5 Non-Essentials to Consider this Summer

If you got a few family camping trips under your belt last summer, then you probably have a good start on some core camping gear and are ready to hit the backcountry. Some camping gear cannot really be classified as “essential” but it sure makes your life a lot easier, or safer, around the campsite. Here are five items that we have acquired, over the years, that have become an essential part of our camping gear, even though they don’t show-up on very many camping gear lists.

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Camping Products You Need (to avoid)

They tempt you with pictures of happy campers, laughing and enjoying their new camping gadget that promises comfort and performance at an unbelievable price. It would be easy to blame a naive consumer for squandering their hard-earned money on this junk, but unfortunately a lot of it comes from name-brand companies.

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The 11th Essential: Lightweight Hammock

Sometimes Christmas comes twice a year. I was cleaning out the garage last month and getting my gear in order, when what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a brand new hammock from Trek Light Gear! I had forgotten all about buying these – I gave away several of them last summer, one in a contest and another to the 1,000th reader comment, here on CampingBlogger. Obviously I kept one for myself, and proceeded to forget all about it, until stumbling across the hammock six month later.

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