Campfire Cooking for Summer Camping Fun

Campfire cooking seems to be getting a bit of a bad rap from some camping aficionados lately, which is a real shame. Most of the arguments that I have seen against campfire cooking revolve around its difficulty, compared to cooking on a camping stove. The truth is, if you are going to have a campfire anyway, then there’s no reason not to cook something on it – and it’s just a lot of fun.

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2010 Family RV Trends

This weekend I packed-up the family and headed to the 22nd Annual Spring RV Show, in Pleasanton, California. We have friends with truck campers, pop-up tent trailers and camping trailers, but this is the first time we have ever gone to an RV show, in order to get an idea of what is out there and how the different types of RVs compare, for family camping.

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Canoe Camping with Kids

This is a guest post by Darren Zapsky at the Moshannon Falls Canoeing Resource. If you would like to guest post on CampingBlogger, please see the About page for my contact information.

Most canoeists would agree that canoe camping is an outdoor experience most kids will never forget, but many parents are uncertain of the appropriate age to begin their child in the activity. I’ve seen kids begin their first canoe camping experience as young as three years old, and these kids developed the confidence to paddle their own canoe or kayak by the time they were nine or ten years old.

If you want to begin your kids in canoe camping here are a few tips to help make the experience safer and more enjoyable for you and your children.

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Decent Family Camping Tent for $100

I was browsing through the Costco® coupon booklet, this weekend, when I stumbled across this little jewel on the last page. $100 for a 16-foot by 7-foot tent sounds almost too good to be true, but the Coleman® Montana™ is a useable family tent, if price is a major consideration.

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