Vegetable Shiskabobs

We did something a little different, for veggies, on our recent family camping trip through northern California and Oregon: Shiskabobs! This proved to be a great way to prepare vegetables, along with some steaks, on our camping grill – and the kids even seemed to like them.

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The Plague of Campground Garbage

During our recent multi-state family camping excursion I was struck by the amount of leftover trash that we found in many of the campsites that we occupied. “Dad, why are you taking pictures of garbage?” Asked my oldest daughter, who is used to seeing me snap lots of pictures for “the website,” but she thought it was strange that I was photographing old bottle caps, cigarette butts and discarded tent stakes.

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Planning a Great Summer Family Camping Vacation

A big summer family camping trip is not something that I would want to do every year and, indeed, it’s been four years since our last one, but with two full weeks of vacation available, this seemed like a great time for another. The difference between a “big” family camping trip and a regular summer family camping trip is the number of camping days involved. Big trips mean planning for things, like washing clothes, that you don’t normally worry about on regular camping trips.

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Weekend Outdoor Reads for June 18th

Weekend Outdoor Reads is a compendium of interesting outdoor content that I came across, this week. There aren’t any rules for Weekend Outdoor Reads, other than the fact that I have to find it interesting and, hopefully, you will too! This week features a great exposé on the challenges facing a new generation of “warm and fuzzy” fathers (very funny -  remember the TV show, Growing Pains?) and some problems facing Indiana and Missouri state parks, this weekend.

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