How to Keep Camping After School Starts

Where did the summer go? It seems like just a few weeks ago, when we were making plans for spring camping and, now, here we are with the kids heading-off to school! For the majority of family campers this, along with the upcoming Labor Day holiday, marks the end of camping for the year. But, you do not have to hunker-down for winter, just yet. There is still a lot of great camping opportunities to be had, particularly since a lot of other families have already rolled-up their sleeping bags, for the year. Continue reading

A Successful Hike With Kids

I talk a lot about hiking on CampingBlogger, because it is something that we enjoy on our family camping trips and it is a great way to keep the kids busy, for an afternoon. If you are new to camping, though, you might be wondering if hiking is something that your kids – or even you, will actually enjoy.
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Comparison of Trail Snack Nutrition

One of our favorite family camping activities is hiking, particularly in the mountains where the elevation provides a welcome relief from the valley heat. Whether we are hiking one mile or five, we never leave camp without the backcountry essentials, including trail snacks for everybody. The kids all have their favorite trail snacks and we bring a variety of different types with us, to help keep the kids (okay, parents, too!) motivated. Have you ever wondered how the various trail snacks compare, from a nutritional standpoint?
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Weekend Outdoor Reads for August 6th

Weekend Outdoor Reads is a compendium of interesting outdoor content that I came across, this week. There aren’t any rules for Weekend Outdoor Reads, other than the fact that I have to find it interesting and, hopefully, you will too! This week we have another admission-free weekend coming up, at 100 national parks. And, if that’s not enough, there is a great story on the recent bear attacks in Yellowstone, and ten (ten!) videos of sharks jumping.

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What is Your Favorite Camping Trip this Summer?

There is a lot of camping left this year, but now that we’re kicking-off the month of August I thought it would be a great opportunity to reflect on our family camping trips, this year. We have certainly noticed an increase in campers – several of our popular spots are booked solid, into September. Despite that, however, we have scored some great last-minute sites and taken advantage of some often overlooked, first-come, first-served campgrounds.

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