Scientific Research Shows Best Way to Pack a Pop-Up Tent

Finally, some research dollars are being directed towards solving man’s great problems. In a great follow up to yesterday’s post on the types of tents, mathematicians have solved the problem of how to best control overcurvature, which is apparently the technical term for the shapes that gives a pop up tent its structure.

While there are other applications


Science finally explains how to do this

that this can be applied to, packing up a pop up tent has befuddled more than a few people, so if you’re looking for tips on your tent that’s just kind of shoved in the closet, check out the article and try to tame the beast.

3 thoughts on “Scientific Research Shows Best Way to Pack a Pop-Up Tent

  1. I was always told that tents, not pop-up ones, should be stuffed not folded. Folding the tent causes seams to be in the same spot all the time causing premature wear.