CampingBlogger: 5 Months and 100 Posts Later

firworks-oregon-gardenOn October 15th, 2008 I flipped the switch on CampingBlogger, launching a project that would quickly become my passion and calling, not to mention just a lot of fun. Don’t let anybody fool you, blogging isn’t easy and professional blogging isn’t a hobby. Promoting family camping and outdoor recreation is a fulltime job and it’s one that I take very seriously.

Five months isn’t a very long time and there is certainly a lot of work left to do before CampingBlogger realizes its full potential. Family camping is enjoying a resurgence in interest, possibly due in part to the economy, but maybe also due to our go-go lives that leave little time left for family.

From a website perspective, though, these first five months were a whirlwind. CampingBlogger went from nothing to one of the 200,000 largest websites in the world (by several different measures) and received a very sold ranking from Googleâ„¢ in January, which is quite rare for a new website. In fact, if you search for “camping blog” or “family camping blog” you’ll find CampingBlogger right up there at the top of the list.

What does all of this mean for you, the loyal CampingBlogger reader? You can expect more articles encouraging parents to explore the outdoors with their kids, more how-to articles on family camping and outdoor recreation topics, and more interesting gear reviews. Oh yeah, and I’ll be giving away more cool gear to the email subscribers!

So on this, the 100th CampingBlogger post, let me give each and every one of you a heart-felt “thank you!” for visiting, reading, and supporting my labor of love. I’m looking forward to the next 100 posts!

3 thoughts on “CampingBlogger: 5 Months and 100 Posts Later

  1. Thanks Eddie and Alan, it’s been an enjoyable experience so far, and I’m looking forward to the future!

  2. Congratulations on your 100th blog post. You’re right, blogging isn’t easy and you’re doing a great job. I look forward to the next hundred posts and beyond. Thanks for the blog.

  3. Congrats Roy, I am glad to be a subscriber to campingblogger.You have done a very good job! With this blog in such a short time.I am looking forward to your future posts.

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