From the “why didn’t I think of that?” department comes the Sip-N-Goâ„¢ water bottle that is made to roll flat when empty. The Sip-N-Go holds 17-ounces and, according to the company, is dishwasher safe and freezable.
From the “why didn’t I think of that?” department comes the Sip-N-Goâ„¢ water bottle that is made to roll flat when empty. The Sip-N-Go holds 17-ounces and, according to the company, is dishwasher safe and freezable.
I am always looking for photography tips and techniques to help be capture better shots on our family camping trips, so I am looking forward to checking out this new show, on The Weather Channel®, this Thursday. Continue reading
James at Outdoor Gear TV takes a look at the REI Base Camp 6 tent, which should look familiar to CB readers – as it’s an updated version of the Eureka! Grand Manan Tour introduced last year. Continue reading
Next Friday, March 4th, the federal government will shutdown if Congress and the President do not come together on a new budget. One of the fallouts of a government shutdown is that national parks, along with BLM and US Forest Sevice campgrounds, will close. It is still early in the camping season, but if the budget battle drags on, it could impact spring camping plans for a lot of families.
I am pretty cheap when it comes to photographing our family camping excursions. My Cannon point-and-shoot is a decent camera, but when it comes to shooting in low light conditions, or my biggest challenge – shooting good landscapes, the limitations of this kind of camera are clearly evident in the marginal pictures it produces (not me, of course – the camera!). Continue reading